Samantha Riegl

Welcome to my website!
This website is always under construction, which is a-okay!

I like making things!

Most of the things I do involve zines:

Other things I do & am interested in are:

learning to code & building websites

I've been trying to learn how to write JavaScript since 2021. It's really difficult. I'm slowly working through Beginner JavaScript with Wes Bos.


Once I realised that the battery was dead, I was able to get my brooch to light up! I'm not sure what my next project will be, maybe somethign with crochet?


I own four risograph machines: Alice, Hayden, Jacinta and Ricky. They are in various states of working condtition...

When I get the space to setup a cute print studio, I'm going to document my risograph-induced pain on my website, Risodex. (It's like a Pokedex but for risographs.)

Raspberry Pis

A new hobby that is as frustrating as it is rewarding. Kinda feels like working with risographs.

I have two Pis:

  • raspypi, a Raspberry Pi Zero
  • piBo, a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB

I keep emotional (not practical) notes about what I've broken recently in the Pi Log on Cosy Website. (This site is hosted on raspypi so depending on if I have broken something recently, it may or may not be online.)

Stuff I've done, made or been involved in

I'll add things as I remember them to avoid this never being done.

Things you can do if you want